Trigger Warning: The following post contains explicit mentions of various forms of sexual and gender-based violence

What is a sexual violation?
A sexual violation is when one person makes sexual advances towards another person, such that the person who is at the receiving end of the sexual advances, feels discomfort because their personal boundaries are being invaded. 'Sexual violation' is an umbrella term and the term 'sexual violence' can be categorized under 'sexual violations'. Sexual violations do not involve consent.
What is sexual violence?
What is gender-based violence?
If you are still unsure of having experienced any form of violation or violence, then we've got you covered. Below is a list of violations identified by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and if you identify as having experienced any of these violations, then you can take our survey and help us gather enough information to create a positive change. If you have confronted a violation or violence that is not listed here, then we would still encourage you to take our survey.
The List:
1. I have been forbidden to attend school or employment by a partner.
2. I have had my access to money withheld by a partner.
3. I have had my financial resources entirely controlled by a partner.
4. I have been forcefully isolated from friends, family, school, and/or work by a partner.
5. A partner of mine has played “mind games” with me.
6. A partner of mine has threatened to physically harm me.
7. I have been threatened by a partner to have my property/ possessions damaged and/or destroyed.
8. I have been intimidated by a partner because they threatened to physically harm my pet and/or loved one/s.
9. I have been intimidated by a partner because they threatened to physically harm themselves.
10. I have had my self-worth undermined by a person through constant criticism.
11. I have had my abilities belittled by a person.
12. I have been name-called.
13. I have been verbally abused.
15. A partner of mine has denied me from seeing my friends and/or family.
17. I have been hit, kicked, grabbed, pinched, shoved, and/or slapped by a person.
18. I have had my hair pulled by a person.
19. I have been bitten by a person.
20. Some form of physical force has been used against me by a person.
21. I have been denied medical care for my injuries.
22. I have been forced to consume alcohol and/or drug/s by a person.
23. My property has been damaged and/or destroyed by a person.
24. I have been forced by a partner to engage in a sexual act/s even though I did not consent.
25. A person has attempted to murder me because of my gender.
26. A person has attempted to murder me because they thought I brought shame or dishonor to their family.
27. I have been forced by a person to engage in a sexual act/s against my will.
28. I have been forced by a person to engage in a sexual act/s while I was intoxicated or unconscious.
29. I have been grabbed, pinched, or rubbed against another person in a sexual way.
30. I have been catcalled.
31. Sexual comments have been passed about my body and/ or appearance by a person/s.
32. I have been demanded to provide sexual favors.
33. I have experienced being stared at sexually.
34. I have been stalked.
35. A person has non-consensually exposed their sex organs to me.
36. I have experienced non-consensual vaginal, anal, and/or oral penetration with a body part and/or object.
37. I have experienced non-consensual vaginal, anal, and/or oral penetration with a body part and/or object because of my gender identity and/or sexual orientation.
38. I have experienced a social environment that has allowed sexual violence to be normalized and justified.
39. I have been bought and exploited by a person or a group of people through force, fraud, coercion, or deception.
40. My genital organs have been intentionally altered or injured for non-medical reasons.
41. I have received intimidating or threatening messages through information and communication technology (like mobile phones, internet, social media, computer games, texting, emails, etc.).
42. I have received explicit messages or photos without my consent through information and communication technology (like mobile phones, internet, social media, computer games, texting, emails, etc.).
43. My private or identifying information has been publicly released through information and communication technology (like mobile phones, internet, social media, computer games, texting, emails, etc.).