“Hello there! I’m here to provide you with a bit of information on legal rights that every individual is allowed to exercise throughout their life. I would like to remind you that suggestions on this post should not be taken as medical advice, legal advice, therapy, etc. or as a one-size-fits-all approach. Keep in mind that every individual’s journey of experiencing and navigating through stress or trauma is distinctive because you are one of a kind and no person is truly like you! Experiencing abuse in any form is NOT OKAY, but what you are experiencing as a result of abuse is valid. Please know that healing is not a formula and is not for anyone else to define for you. You do you, and you follow all that you need to follow, to help yourself. If you need additional resources or just someone to talk to, feel free to reach out to Imaara Foundation."

(Image Source: Deccan Chronicle)
No matter what age you are, what your gender, sex assigned at birth, sexual identity or sexual orientation is, what your nationality, religion, caste, race, ethnicity and color is, these rights are fully yours to enjoy. Any violation of these rights is unacceptable.
• You have a right not to face violence, abuse or harm at the hands of any person, for any reason.
• You have a right to say no.
• You have a right for that no to be respected.
• You have a right to leave a relationship, or to seek legal means such as divorce, to do so.
• You have a right not to be asked for dowry, and if asked, you have a right to refuse.
• You have a right to monetary support and monetary resources of your own.
• You have a right to be educated and to seek education. You also have a right to choose not to pursue a course of education.
• You have a right for your basic needs to be met.
• You have a right to be employed and to seek employment. You also have a right not to work if you don’t want to.
• You have a right to go anywhere you wish without seeking permission.
• You have a right of personal agency, and therefore cannot be treated like a slave. • You have a right to be treated with respect.
• You have a right of personal autonomy over your body.
• You have a right of personal autonomy over your mind.
• You have a right of personal autonomy over your choices.
• You have a right to be involved in all decisions concerning your future with your partner.
• You have a right to seek a share in all responsibilities concerning your relationship with your partner, your children and your monetary / financial and non-financial assets.
• You have a right to build friendships with any person you may choose, regardless of their gender identity.
• You have a right to your opinions and to have those opinions be respected exactly as you deserve.
• You have a right to express your mind without judgment.
• You have a right to the expression of your physical and emotional needs without judgment.
• You have a right to the use of contraception.
• You have a right not to be blamed for not bearing a child.
• You have a right not to be blamed for not bearing a son.
• You have a right not to have culture-based violence carried out against you.
• You have a right to have your needs to be given importance.
• You have a right to have your responsibilities shared with your partner with as much commitment from your partner as you put in.
• You have a right not to be held responsible or accountable for the behavior of a partner.
• You have a right to seek legal help.
• You have a right to seek medical help.
• You have a right to seek emergency relief and crisis support help.
• You have a right to not be gaslighted by your partner.